How to get a cheap professional microscope

Used profesional microscope

When buying a microscope for professional use, we have many doubts, especially if we are not very familiar with the handling of these devices. In reality, there are very few people who know first-hand the behavior of a wide variety of equipment from different brands. And although there are experienced professional microscopists, who spend many hours in front of their instruments, they are generally always working with the same equipment. I’m talking about hospitals and analysis centers mainly.

This post is dedicated to all those who are looking for a professional quality microscope and do not know where to start. When I speak of professional quality I mean exactly that, which is not a mere word that is used to sell more. It is common to see the expression “professional microscope” applied to 400-euro equipment in many advertisements. Be clear that such a thing is impossible.

The goal of is precisely to provide professional-grade microscopes at reasonable prices. This can only be achieved in the used microscope segment. Quality used microscopes, mainly from the four big brands recognized by all specialists and users around the world. These four brands are: Leica (Leitz), Zeiss, Olympus and Nikon.

I do not mean that outside of these brands there are no competent manufacturers and acceptable equipment. It is simply that analysis laboratories, hospitals, universities and research centers definitely do not work with brands other than these.

These equipments are very expensive, very much. We are talking about their prices starting from two thousand euros in their simplest ranges. They are intended for education in schools and secondary schools. I’m talking about the Zeiss PrimoStar, the Leica DM 500, the Nikon Eclipse E100 or the Olympus CX. These lower ranges of the big brands are made in China. Good quality is expected from them, but their configurations are very limited and scaling up is almost impossible. They have pre-centered condensers, and sufficient illumination for their purpose but little for future extensions that become impossible. Of course, its handling is simple and correct, although the quality of its materials leaves a lot to be desired

On the other hand, there is the option of other brands made in China that have achieved a certain reputation. Their prices are much cheaper and in the price range of two thousand euros we have very complete and expandable equipment. I’m talking about brands like Motic, Optika and the like. I have tested some of these microscopes and they are quite well built. They are an option to consider and much cheaper than the big four brands of premium microscopes.

But, nothing is comparable to a good microscope of prestigious brand. You can tell that only when you see the instrument. Second-rate home designs are generally years behind. But it is not only the design, but the quality of its components makes a tremendous difference. The greater weight and volume of these devices tells us about the quality of their construction before even entering to assess their technical characteristics that mark distance. And the touch they have is soft but firm and precise at the same time. was born, as I have said before, from the desire to provide top-level equipment at affordable prices. Especially oriented towards both the medical or veterinary professional who performs their own analysis and tests and the hobbyist looking for a microscope with practically unlimited possibilities. Because this is one of the characteristics of the equipment that you will find in our store. These are instruments that come from hospitals, analysis laboratories, veterinary centers and similar institutions. They are equipment that has been renewed because institutions always tend to seek greater efficiency and that is why they acquire more modern, more automated devices, etc. Therefore they are equipment that has been checked and maintained throughout their lives, and now they have a second chance.

The microscopes that we offer at are of premium quality, as we say, and have these characteristics:

  • Its constructive quality is excellent. The fits, the quality of the parts, the smooth operation … you won’t find it in cheaper brands.
  • These opticcs are the top. Wide fields, lens coating, flatness, infinity corrections, and everything you can hope for and want.
  • Ergonomics have been highly studied in these instruments, because they are professional tools for intensive work, designed to be used during long working hours.

  • They can be extended to practically all contrast techniques. Mainly because they have a good source of lighting and the accessories for it are available at affordable prices. So we can scale from bright field to phase contrast, dark field, polarization, fluorescence and even Differential Interference Contrast (DIC).

  • They have a multitude of accessories for all the needs that may arise, as these brands have always had a competition for innovation and development and have covered all the needs of customers of all kinds.

Thus, from we believe that the best decision when purchasing a microscope for professional use when the budget is limited, is to buy a used microscope from one of the four premium brands: Leica, Olympus, Nikon and Zeiss.

These microscopes will not let you down, they will never fall short, you will have no trouble finding accessories. It is true that some are no longer manufactured, but their use has been so widespread throughout the world for so many years that it is not difficult to find replacement parts, or accessories for an extension. At we also offer the service of supplying parts and accessories for the most important microscopes, as well as consulting without obligation.

The microscopes used for professional use that we recommend can be found among these examples:

  • Leica DMLB, DM2000, Leitz Aristoplan, Orthoplan, etc.
  • Zeiss Series Axioskop, Axiovert, AxioScope…
  • Nikon Eclipse 400, 600, 50i,55i, etc.
  • Olympus series BX, older BH-2, etc

There are quite a few microscopes with these characteristics, but any of the above will suit your needs perfectly if you are a professional user. And let’s not say if it is for amateur use, since many of these microscopes that have worked for years in the professional world, end their days at the table of a hobbyist of microscopy, mycology, mineralogy, etc. For many of these hobbyists, these kits have been the object of desire for years, and now they have the opportunity to enjoy one of these used professional microscopes at affordable prices.

To finish, just say that these devices when they were new cost many thousands of euros and were only accessible to government institutions or medical research or analysis centers that handle large budgets. Some of this equipment can be yours today for a very small part of its original price. And remember that a well-maintained microscope has an unlimited lifespan.

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